世界最奇妙的建築- 印度蓮花寺布格羅古典藝術畫風油彩畫作


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世界最奇妙的建築- 印度蓮花寺布格羅古典藝術畫風油彩畫作






威廉·阿道夫·布格羅是19世紀末至20世紀初法國學院派古典藝術的代表人物, 以「完美的和諧」爲其最高的藝術追求,認爲藝術家必須「具備特別自然的本性」,「對視覺形態和色彩有一種特殊的感覺和自發的衝動」。布格羅畫風唯美,擅長創造美好、理想化的境界。題材多爲神話、天使和寓言。布格羅作品以高度完整、技法全面和擅長表現多愁善感的題材爲特徵。在人物造型的處理上,追求高度的優美,理想化的境界。布格羅捨棄技法創新,維護官方正統的藝術。在素描和油畫上重視細節的描繪,特別是他在人物的皮膚、手和雙腳上,有著細緻而獨特的繪畫技藝。

印度靈曦堂,俗稱蓮花寺,坐落在印度首都新德里,建築師是旅居加拿大的伊朗人撒哈巴(Fariborz Sahba),結構設計則是由英國Flint &Neill公司耗時18個月完成,於1986年竣工。

The world's great wonders. Some people dream of Yang Fan traveling far away, so we see all kinds of houseboats; some people dream of living a life like a fairy tale, so we see strange tree houses... The creativity is infinite, and the surprise is infinite.

#Indian Lotus Temple oil painting is in the classical art style of Bouguereau

#This product is limited to 1 vibe, which has good collection value.

Introduction to Bouguereau's Classical Art Style
William-Adolphe Bouguereau was a representative of French academic classical art from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. He took "perfect harmony" as his highest artistic pursuit, and believed that the artist must "have a particularly natural nature", "for Visual form and color have a special feeling and spontaneous impulse". Bouguereau's painting style is beautiful, and he is good at creating beautiful and idealized realms. The themes are mostly myths, angels and fables. Bouguereau's works are characterized by a high degree of completeness, a comprehensive technique, and an ability to express sentimental subject matter. In the processing of character modeling, we pursue a high degree of beauty and idealized realm. Bouguereau abandoned technical innovation and maintained official orthodox art. He attaches great importance to the depiction of details in sketches and oil paintings, especially on the skin, hands and feet of the characters, he has meticulous and unique painting skills.

The Indian Temple of Worship, commonly known as the Lotus Temple, is located in New Delhi, the capital of India. The architect was Fariborz Sahba, an Iranian living in Canada. The structural design was completed by the British company Flint & Neill in 18 months and completed in 1986. The building also has an environmentally friendly design. Of the total electricity consumption of Lotus Temple’s 500 kilowatts (KW), 120 kilowatts are generated by the building’s solar energy equipment. The temple can save 120,000 rupees (approximately NT$6,000) per month. 10,000 yuan), which also made Lotus Temple the first temple in New Delhi to use solar power. The Lotus Temple is composed of 27 independent marble petals arranged in three layers, each layer is composed of nine sides; it is built with white marble, which symbolizes the purity and equality of religion. From its opening in December 1986 to 2002, the Temple of the Worth in Delhi has attracted more than 50 million visitors, making it one of the most visited structures in the world, surpassing the Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal. Now 4.5 million tourists visit it every year, surpassing the Taj Mahal as the most visited building in India.


Created on 2022/03/29 11:08:07 UTC

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