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「錫安國家公園」位於美國西南部猶他州史普林戴爾附近的國家公園。這個占地共五百九十三平方公里的國家公園的首要景點是「錫安峽谷」。早在1860年代,到此開墾的摩門教徒見到如此奇特的美景,不禁為之震撼,因此命名為「錫安」 ,「錫安」是古希伯來語,意為「聖殿」代表神聖安詳的天堂。
「錫安國家公園 」是健行玩家和攝影師的夢幻勝地,雖然坐落在沙漠之中,但其經過億萬年的侵蝕作用,所雕塑出別具風格的岩石地形,形成 305 公尺高的奶油色、粉紅色與紅色的七彩繽紛山崖、峭壁,非常適合各種登山程度的遊客前來探險,遊客可以選擇乘坐車程 80 分鐘的循環穿梭巴士,它會在各個景點讓遊客下車參觀拍照。若想要隨意的散步及悠閒的欣賞翡翠瀑布美景,可以沿著維珍河步道或翡翠池小徑走到瀑布區,兩條小徑都能看到山谷內蔥翠的瀑布及碧綠的池水,兩者完美結合色彩鮮明、動靜皆美的幽雅景色。此外亦可沿沙海灘步道騎馬,或是到山頂上一覽峽谷中險峻飄逸的懸崖飛瀑、以及本地獨特粉紅色系的奇石嶙嶙,加上蒼碧如翡翠般的清潭小溪,構成了一幅全球獨一無二的山水畫,其迷人風采無法用言語形容。
「錫安國家公園」除了景色,豐富的物種也是一大特色。這裡有將近800種植物,75種哺乳類動物,271種鳥類,32種爬蟲和兩棲類。此外長耳鹿、金鷹、山獅和一些稀有物種也棲息於此地。 一年四季皆宜前來探索,而春季和秋季則是溫和天氣和百卉綻放最佳時機,每年慕名而來的遊客高達260萬人次,是追求舒適寧靜及絶美景色的極致享受。


#世界風情畫「美國紅色峽谷-錫安國家公園」採用印象派大師-蒙克(Groove)風格油彩畫作,限量發行 7 個vibe。

The shining pearl in the red stone kingdom, the appearance is not inferior to that of Yellowstone, and the temperament is not inferior to the "Zion National Park" of the Grand Canyon

Painting subject: American Red Canyon - Zion National Park

"Zion National Park" is a national park near Springdale, Utah, in the southwestern United States. The main attraction of this 593-square-kilometer national park is Zion Canyon. As early as the 1860s, the Mormons who came here to reclaim the land could not help being shocked when they saw such a peculiar beauty, so they named it "Zion". Peaceful paradise.
"Zion National Park" is a dream destination for hikers and photographers. Although it is located in the desert, it has been sculpted by hundreds of millions of years of erosion and has carved a unique rocky terrain, forming a 305-meter-high cream. The colorful cliffs and cliffs of color, pink and red are very suitable for tourists of all levels of climbing to explore. Tourists can choose to take an 80-minute shuttle bus, which will let tourists get off at various attractions to visit and take pictures. If you want to take a casual walk and enjoy the beauty of the Emerald Falls leisurely, you can walk along the Virgin River Trail or the Emerald Pool Trail to the waterfall area. Both trails can see the lush waterfalls and green pools in the valley. It perfectly combines the elegant scenery with bright colors and beautiful movement and stillness. In addition, you can also ride horses along the sand beach trail, or go to the top of the mountain to see the steep and elegant cliffs and waterfalls in the canyon, as well as the local unique pink rocks, and the emerald-like Qingtan creek, forming a global picture A unique landscape painting whose charm cannot be described in words.
In addition to the scenery, "Zion National Park" is also rich in species. There are nearly 800 species of plants, 75 species of mammals, 271 species of birds, 32 species of reptiles and amphibians. In addition, mule deer, golden eagles, mountain lions and some rare species also live here. It is suitable for exploration all year round, and spring and autumn are the best times for mild weather and blooming flowers, attracting 2.6 million tourists every year, which is the ultimate enjoyment in pursuit of comfort, tranquility and beautiful scenery.

#World-style painting "American Red Canyon - Zion National Park" uses oil paintings in the style of the Impressionist master Munch (Groove).

#World style painting "American Red Canyon - Zion National Park" uses oil paintings in the style of Impressionist master Munch (Groove), and is limited to 7 vibe.


Created on 2022/05/19 23:48:09 UTC

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