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法國導演Laurent Charbonnier拍攝了一部紀錄片《動物之愛》(Animaux amoureux, Les),影片中展示動物是如何相愛的。不可思議的是,和人類一樣,它們會接吻、擁抱和愛撫,它們的愛既有温柔、細膩之中也有狂野、激情的一面。此畫乃藉由「動物之愛」之主題,而採用梵谷的印象派畫風來描繪人類與動物之間所傳達的意象。

克洛德·莫內,法國畫家,印象派代表人物及創始人之一,「印象」一詞即是源自其名作《印象·日出》,該畫作於1874年第一次獨立展覽中展出。 印象主義可說是歐洲繪畫史的一次大革命,對近代繪畫的發展有相當深遠的影響。印象主義畫家吸取當時科學上的光學理論,認為色是在光的照射下而產生的,在不同時間、環境、氣候等客觀條件下,受不同光的變化而有各種不同色彩。透過寫生,發現過去一般不被注意的色彩現象,從而在繪畫色彩上引起了重大的革新。
莫內一生遺留 500 件素描,2000 多幅油畫及 2700 封信件,86 年的生涯,生命力旺盛,創作量龐大。足跡由巴黎大街到地中海岸,從法國到倫敦、威尼斯、挪威,在各地旅行寫生,留下無數舉世聞名的作品,其名作有1890至1891年創作的《乾草堆》系列,1892至1894年著名的《魯昂大教堂》畫作系列,以及莫內作於晚年的250多幅《睡蓮》。隨著印象派誕生一百多年來受人們的喜愛,莫內成為享譽全球的繪畫大師,他畫中的各種的風景、光波粼粼的水景、花開的原野、浸淫在陽光下行樂度假的人們,吸引無數人的欣賞、驚歎與靈感。莫內畫作的群眾魅力,深刻印證了藝術的永恆與人類的文化親和力。

#「動物之愛」採用莫內印象派(莫內池塘)畫風之油彩畫作限量發行 20個vibe。

French director Laurent Charbonnier made a documentary, Animaux amoureux, Les (Animaux amoureux, Les), which shows how animals love each other. Incredibly, like humans, they kiss, hug and caress, and their love is both tender and delicate and wild and passionate. With the theme of "Animal Love", this painting adopts Van Gogh's Impressionist style to depict the images conveyed between humans and animals.

A Brief Introduction to the Painting Style of Claude Monet's Impressionist Masters
Claude Monet, French painter, one of the representatives and founders of Impressionism, the word "impression" is derived from his masterpiece "Impression Sunrise", which was exhibited in the first independent exhibition in 1874 . Impressionism can be said to be a great revolution in the history of European painting, which has a profound impact on the development of modern painting. Impressionist painters absorbed the scientific optical theory at that time, and believed that color was produced under the illumination of light, and under different time, environment, climate and other objective conditions, there were various colors due to changes in different light. Through sketching, he discovered color phenomena that were generally not noticed in the past, thus causing a major innovation in painting colors.
Monet left behind 500 sketches, more than 2,000 oil paintings and 2,700 letters in his life. In his 86-year career, he has strong vitality and a huge amount of creation. His footprints ranged from the streets of Paris to the Mediterranean coast, from France to London, Venice, and Norway. He traveled and sketched in various places, leaving behind countless world-famous works. His masterpieces include the "Haystacks" series created from 1890 to 1891. The painting series of Rouen Cathedral, as well as more than 250 "Water Lilies" by Monet in his later years. With the birth of Impressionism, which has been loved by people for more than 100 years, Monet has become a world-renowned painting master. He painted various landscapes, sparkling waterscapes, blooming fields, immersed in the sun and enjoying vacations. People, attract countless people's appreciation, amazement and inspiration. The mass charm of Monet's paintings has profoundly confirmed the eternity of art and the cultural affinity of human beings.

#"Animal Love" is a limited edition of 20 vibes with oil paintings in the style of Monet's Impressionism (Monet's Pond)


Created on 2022/04/07 12:45:11 UTC

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