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「霍亨索倫城堡」Burg Hohenzollern位於德國巴登-符騰堡州,與巴伐利亞州的新天鵝堡並稱為德國南部的兩大城堡,是普魯士王國和德意志第二帝國的統治家族——霍亨索倫家族的發祥地。 霍亨索倫城堡是德國最雄偉的城堡建築之一,被視作19世紀堡壘建築藝術中的傑作,無論從地理位置、審美、氣勢以及古堡內部裝飾等都非常出色。霍亨索倫城堡也位居歐洲五大和世界十大城堡之列。
遊客想到遠處高點欣賞巍然屹立在山頭上霍亨索倫城堡的雄姿,可以前往Zeller Horn,許多遊客默默地站在觀景台上,靜靜地眺望著夕陽下的霍亨索倫城堡,時間在這一刻仿佛停滯了一般,只有雄偉的城堡佇立在歷史的長河中,任憑朝代更迭、歲月流逝,它自巋然不動!給人的那種孤獨感,那種傲視一切的位置,讓遊客為之心動。


#世界風情畫「德國霍亨索倫城堡」油彩畫作限量發行 1 個vibe。

Neuschwanstein Castle is a slim, beautiful and noble white swan.
The Hohenzollernberg is a domineering and mighty lion full of fitness and fortitude.

Painting subject: Hohenzollern Castle, Germany

Hohenzollern Castle Burg Hohenzollern is located in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is called the two castles in southern Germany together with Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria. It is the ruling family of the Kingdom of Prussia and the Second German Empire - Hohenzoll The birthplace of the Lun family. Hohenzollern Castle is one of the most majestic castle buildings in Germany. It is regarded as a masterpiece in the art of fortress architecture in the 19th century. It is excellent in terms of location, aesthetics, momentum and interior decoration of the castle. Hohenzollern Castle also ranks among the top five castles in Europe and the top ten in the world.
Today's Hohenzollern Castle was rebuilt by Prussian architects from 1850 to 1867, about the same period as the construction of Neuschwanstein Castle. If you describe Neuschwanstein Castle as a slim, beautiful and noble white swan, like in In a fairy tale world, full of fantasy. And Hohenzollern Castle is a domineering military fortress in real life, full of bodybuilding and fortitude. The Hohenzollern family is all-powerful on the battlefield, rushing and rushing bravely, making this inconspicuous small Germanic state, become a One of the powers on an equal footing with Austria, France and Russia in Europe, representing the glorious history of the Prussian dynasty.
After the fall of the Second German Reich in 1918, Wilhelm II fled to the Netherlands for refuge. Most of the other royals continued to live in Germany. The castle is still the place where the descendants of the last emperor of the Prussian Dynasty, William II, stayed here. The significance of the castle is that it is the place where the Prussian Hohenzollern family gathers. Of course, it is also a museum, and the castle part is open to the outside world for a fee. In addition, the Hohenzollern Castle is the most famous tourist attraction in the German Naldo transportation system.
The castle is located between the famous city of Stuttgart in southern Germany and Lake Constance, the largest lake in Germany, on the edge of the famous Black Forest.
Tourists want to admire the majestic appearance of Hohenzollern Castle standing majestically on the top of the mountain from a high point in the distance. They can go to Zeller Horn. Many tourists stand silently on the observation deck, quietly overlooking the Hohenzollern Castle in the sunset. Time seems to stand still at this moment, only the majestic castle stands in the long river of history, no matter how dynasties change and years pass, it will stand still! The feeling of loneliness that gives people, that kind of disdain for everything, makes tourists excited.
The annual Christmas market here is also very famous. Every Christmas, this place will welcome a lot of tourists. The first time I boarded Hohenzollern, I was struck by the masculinity of Hohenzollenburg. On the edge of the castle stands a huge statue of the famous king or emperor of the Hohenzollern family, looking at the visitor as if injected with life, majestic and solemn. Climbing through several mountain gates, there seems to be endless mountain gates ahead. Looking back, there are huge stone walls and mountain gates at the foot, and a flat river stretches to the sky in the distance. If you are lucky, you will also see layers of mist, covering the castle in it, adding a lot of mystery.

#World style painting "Hohenzollern Castle in Germany" uses oil paintings in the style of the Impressionist master-Van Gogh (Spiral).

#World style painting "Germany Hohenzollern Castle" oil painting limited edition 1 vibe.


Created on 2022/04/25 06:57:09 UTC

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