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由瑞士新七大奇蹟協會 New 7 Wonders Foundation(N7W)發起,在世界現存建 於公元 2000 年以前的建築中,挑選七個代替舊的世界七大奇蹟的活動,經由全球一 億民眾網路票選,2007 年 7 月 7 日在葡萄牙里斯本揭曉,義大利的古羅馬競技場、 中國的萬里長城、約旦的佩特拉古城、巴西里約熱內盧的基督像、祕魯的馬丘比 丘、墨西哥的奇琴伊察、以及印度的泰姬瑪哈陵並列成為新世界七大奇蹟。而埃及 的吉薩金字塔群歸為「榮譽奇蹟」。

約旦佩特拉古城 ancient city of Petra, Jordan
「佩特拉」一詞源於希臘語「岩石」 petrus,阿拉伯傳統認為摩西出埃及後「點石出水」的地方,就是佩特拉,同時它也是納巴泰王國的首都。
佩特拉因其赤褐色砂岩高山的色彩聞名,因而有「玫瑰城」的暱稱,佩特拉古城 幾乎全在岩石上雕刻而成,周圍懸崖絕壁環繞,入口是一條長約 1.5 公里的狹窄峽谷 通道,名為「蛇道」,而各種不同顏色岩石的扭曲岩層,形成了岩石表面的螺旋形、 波浪形的顏色曲線,古城核心是一個大廣場,廣場正面是鑿在陡岩上的宏偉的卡茲尼神殿 Al Khazneh ,建築技術精細堪稱一絕。


Initiated by the New 7 Wonders Foundation (N7W) of the Swiss New Seven Wonders Association, among the existing buildings in the world built before 2000 AD, seven activities to replace the old seven wonders of the world were selected and voted by 100 million people around the world. , unveiled in Lisbon, Portugal on July 7, 2007, Colosseum in Italy, Great Wall in China, Petra in Jordan, Christ Statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Machu Picchu in Peru, Chichen Itza in Mexico , and India's Taj Mahal tied for the New Seven Wonders of the World. The Giza pyramids in Egypt are classified as "miracles of honor".

ancient city of Petra, Jordan
The word "Petra" comes from the Greek "rock" petrus, and the Arab tradition believes that the place where Moses "pointed the stone to the water" after his exodus from Egypt was Petra, and it was also the capital of the Nabataean kingdom.
Petra is famous for the color of the terracotta sandstone mountains, hence the nickname "Rose City". The ancient city of Petra is almost entirely carved out of rock, surrounded by cliffs, and the entrance is a narrow canyon channel about 1.5 kilometers long. , named "Snake Road", and the twisted rock formations of various colors of rocks form a spiral and wavy color curve on the rock surface. The core of the ancient city is a large square, and the front of the square is a magnificent Kaz chiseled on the steep rock. Al Khazneh, the Temple of Ni, is a masterpiece of fine architectural techniques.

#The first 5 purchases of "Petra, Jordan" oil painting vibe will get 1 "New Seven Wonders of the World Series" vibe.


Created on 2022/03/27 07:31:10 UTC

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