Fattest Man In The World (網路迷因惡搞)

$0.50 OSD
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Chass Chen
- 100.00%
Fattest Man In The World (網路迷因惡搞)

Chauncey Morlan是“1890 年世界上最胖的人”,並作為雜耍“怪胎”與馬戲團一起旅行。 他也被稱為“人貨車”,四面八方的人都花錢來看他。
Chauncey Morlan was the ‘world’s fattest man in 1890′ and travelled with the circus as a sideshow ‘freak’. He was also referred to as the “Human Freight Car,” and people came from all around and paid money to see him.
Created on 2023/03/21 10:03:23 UTC
Contract Address
- Token ID
- 84236
- Chain
- Polygon
- Token Standard
- ERC1155
- Metadata URL
- https://www.oursong.com/project/erc1155token-meta/84236.json