暴富虎 Rich Rich Tiger

Win the Big Prize

$40.00 OSD


666 editions


Win the Big Prize

暴富虎 Rich Rich Tiger

Win the Big Prize


頭獎:10 個以太幣
二獎:3 個以太幣
三獎:1 個以太幣

為了迎接虎年的到來,我們設計了這張 NFT 取名為「暴富虎」,祝福所有購買的人都可
以財源滾滾,也希望在 2022 年加密貨幣能更上一層,因此我們將舉辦一個抽獎活動。
只要從發行者這裡購買此 NFT,就可以具有抽獎資格。

抽獎時間:2022/2/1 20:00(台北時間)
抽獎直播:Youtube 上直播
抽獎規則:我們總共會發行 3 張 NFT,每次發行 666 張,編號皆為 1~666 號不重複,
抽獎時會各從每一張 NFT 抽出一個號碼,獎項如下:
中三個號碼:10 個以太幣
中兩個號碼:3 個以太幣
中一個號碼:1 個以太幣

註 1:此為額外提供之活動,主辦方有調整活動內容之權利,如購買數量增加,我們
註 2:避免不公平之事情發生,僅限從創作者這裡購買的 NFT 才計入抽獎資格及順

Jackpot: 10 Ethereum
Second Prize: 3 Ethereum
Third Prize: 1 Ethereum

For the wonderful oncoming Year of tiger, We specially designed the NFT and named it "Rich
Rich Tiger". We wish those who buy this “Rich Rich Tiger” can be rolling in it and also hoped
that cryptocurrency will be able to reach a higher level in 2022, thus we will hold this lottery
As long as you purchase this NFT from the creator, you can qualify for the lottery.

Lucky draw time: 2022/2/1 20:00 (Taiwan Standard Time (GMT+8))
Lucky draw live: Live on Youtube
Lottery rules:
We will issue a total of 3 different NFTs which will be issued 666 times for each 3 NFTs and
the token ID are from 1 to 666 which are not repeated. Buyers can freely choose their
favorite lucky numbers.
During the lottery, a number(token ID) will be drawn from each NFT randomly. The prizes are
as follows:
Match 3 numbers: 10 Ethereum
Match 2 numbers: 3 Ethereum
Match 1 number: 1 Ethereum

Note 1: This is an additional event. The creator has the right to adjust the content of the
event. If the number of purchases increases, we will also increase the number of prizes.
Note 2: To avoid unfair events, only the NFT purchased from the creator will be counted into
the lottery qualification and sequence, and the others will not be counted.


#crypto #加密貨幣 #ethereum #以太幣 #紅包 #虎年 #tigeryear #2022新年快樂 #頭獎 #prize

Created on 2022/01/16 18:15:12 UTC

Contract Address


Token ID
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