世界風情畫「美國西維吉尼亞州夢幻景點-格萊德溪谷磨坊」印象派大師-梵谷 Stripe風格畫作#3
巴布科克州立公園位於西維吉尼亞州中南部,毗鄰新河峽谷國家河,擁有1688公頃的自然美景和美景。 公園中不僅有超過32公里的徒步旅行路線,同時有各種休閒活動包括釣魚,徒步旅行,湖畔活動,騎馬,自然主義節目等。 此外巴布科克州立公園內有一處超閃亮的人氣景點「格萊德溪谷磨坊 」,每年春秋季節都會吸引許多遊客前來參觀。
「格萊德溪谷磨坊 」是一間1890年建成的原始礱穀機房,如今已被改造為公園遊樂設施。對於歷史工業革命有興趣的遊客們在公園內參觀及購買新鮮研磨的Glade Creek Grist Mill蕎麥粉和玉米麵。
「格萊德溪谷磨坊 」乃位於格莱德溪谷旁,春天時節處處杜鵑花盛開,秋季則滿山遍野紅葉翩翩、溪林小徑風光明媚,及格莱德溪谷波光粼粼、美的令人讚嘆不已。「格萊德溪谷磨坊 」的岩石溪流美景乃是該州最具標誌性的打卡景點之一,並列入網路票選巴布科克州最美風景明信片。
#世界風情畫「美國西維吉尼亞州夢幻景點-格萊德溪谷磨坊」採用印象派大師-梵谷 Stripe風格畫作,限定發行 78個vibe。
Painting subject: Glade Creek Valley Mill
West Virginia is known as the "State of Mountains", where in addition to hiking through dense forests, you can also climb high to look at the breathtaking landscape, stroll bridges across canyons, and climb rocky trails. Wait.
Babcock State Park is located in south-central West Virginia, adjacent to the New River Canyon National River, and has 1,688 hectares of natural beauty and beauty. Not only are there more than 32 kilometers of hiking trails in the park, there are also a variety of recreational activities including fishing, hiking, lakeside activities, horseback riding, naturist programs, and more. In addition, there is a super shiny and popular attraction in Babcock State Park, "Glyde Creek Valley Mill", which attracts many tourists every spring and autumn.
"Glyde Creek Valley Mill" is an original hulling valley machine room built in 1890 that has been converted into a park ride. Visitors interested in the history of the Industrial Revolution visit the park to purchase freshly ground Glade Creek Grist Mill buckwheat flour and cornmeal.
"Glyde Creek Valley Mill" is located next to the Glade Creek Valley. In spring, azaleas are in full bloom, and in autumn, the mountains and fields are full of red leaves, the creek forest paths are beautiful, and the sparkling and beautiful scenery of the Glade Creek Valley People were amazed. The view of the rocky creek at the Glade Creek Valley Mill is one of the state's most iconic punch-in attractions and was voted one of the top ten most scenic postcards in Babcock State online.
#World-style painting "The Dream Spot in West Virginia, USA - Glade Creek Valley Mill" uses paintings in the style of Impressionist master-Van Gogh Stripe, with a limited edition of 78 vibes.
Created on 2022/08/06 14:11:13 UTC
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