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由瑞士新七大奇蹟協會 New 7 Wonders Foundation(N7W)發起,在世界現存建 於公元 2000 年以前的建築中,挑選七個代替舊的世界七大奇蹟的活動,經由全球一 億民眾網路票選,2007 年 7 月 7 日在葡萄牙里斯本揭曉,義大利的古羅馬競技場、 中國的萬里長城、約旦的佩特拉古城、巴西里約熱內盧的基督像、祕魯的馬丘比 丘、墨西哥的奇琴伊察、以及印度的泰姬瑪哈陵並列成為新世界七大奇蹟。而埃及 的吉薩金字塔群歸為「榮譽奇蹟」。

秘魯馬丘比丘 Machu Picchu, Peru
西班牙語 Machu Picchu,奇楚亞語 Machu Piqchu,其意為「古老的山」,為前哥倫布時期,祕魯 著名的印加帝國遺址,距西北方庫斯科 130 公里,高 聳矗立在海拔 2350—2430 米的山脊上,俯瞰著烏魯班 巴河谷,在 1983 年,馬丘比丘古神廟被聯合國教科文 組織定為世界遺產,且為文化與自然雙重遺產。
馬丘比丘並非普通城市,根據近年考古研究,馬 丘比丘其實是印加貴族的鄉間修養場所,圍繞著庭院 建有一個龐大的宮殿和供奉印加神祇的廟宇,以及其 他供維護人員居住的房子,估計在高峰時這裡也未居住超過 750 人。
馬丘比丘的建築是完全的印加風格,整個遺蹟由約 140 個建築物組成,包括廟宇、 避難所、公園和居住區,這裡還建有超過 100 處階梯—每階由一整塊巨大的花崗岩鑿 成,還有大量的水池,之間由石製的溝渠和下水道聯繫,促成早期的灌溉系統。
至今還沒有人明白印加文明是如何能將重達 20 噸的巨石搬上馬丘比丘的山頂。


Initiated by the New 7 Wonders Foundation (N7W) of the Swiss New Seven Wonders Association, among the existing buildings in the world built before 2000 AD, seven activities to replace the old seven wonders of the world were selected and voted by 100 million people around the world. , unveiled in Lisbon, Portugal on July 7, 2007, Colosseum in Italy, Great Wall in China, Petra in Jordan, Christ Statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Machu Picchu in Peru, Chichen Itza in Mexico , and India's Taj Mahal tied for the New Seven Wonders of the World. The Giza pyramids in Egypt are classified as "miracles of honor".

Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu in Spanish, Machu Piqchu in Chichua, which means "ancient mountain", is the famous ruins of the Inca Empire in Peru in the pre-Columbian period, 130 kilometers away from Cusco in the northwest, towering at an altitude of 2350-2430 meters. On a mountain ridge overlooking the Urubamba Valley, the ancient temple of Machu Picchu was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983, and is a dual cultural and natural heritage.
Machu Picchu is not an ordinary city. According to recent archaeological research, Machu Picchu is actually a country training place for the Inca nobles. There is a huge palace and a temple dedicated to the Inca gods built around the courtyard, as well as other houses for maintenance personnel. It is estimated that Nor did more than 750 people live here at peak time.
The architecture of Machu Picchu is completely Inca style, the entire ruins consist of about 140 buildings, including temples, sanctuaries, parks and residential areas, and there are more than 100 steps built here - each step is made of a huge granite Hewn, and numerous pools, linked by stone ditches and sewers, contributed to the early irrigation system.
No one has yet understood how the Inca civilization was able to lift a 20-ton boulder to the top of Machu Picchu.

#The first 5 purchases of the "Peru Machu Picchu" oil painting vibe will receive 1 "New Ten Wonders of the World Series" vibe.


Created on 2022/03/27 07:38:14 UTC

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