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由瑞士新七大奇蹟協會 New 7 Wonders Foundation(N7W)發起,在世界現存建 於公元 2000 年以前的建築中,挑選七個代替舊的世界七大奇蹟的活動,經由全球一 億民眾網路票選,2007 年 7 月 7 日在葡萄牙里斯本揭曉,義大利的古羅馬競技場、 中國的萬里長城、約旦的佩特拉古城、巴西里約熱內盧的基督像、祕魯的馬丘比 丘、墨西哥的奇琴伊察、以及印度的泰姬瑪哈陵並列成為新世界七大奇蹟。而埃及 的吉薩金字塔群歸為「榮譽奇蹟」。

墨西哥契琴伊薩 Chichen Itza, Mexico
瑪雅語「Chich’en Itza」的意思是伊察(人)的水井口,此名稱通用前哥倫布時
期,在古代史料中也亦被稱為 Uucyabnal,即 7 個偉大的統治者。
位在墨西哥東南部的猶加敦半島缺少地面河流,契琴伊薩當地三個終年供水的溶 井 cenote,自然而然成為人口中心,其中兩個溶井至今仍存在,之一就是著名的、具 有傳奇色彩的獻祭之井 Cenote of Sacrifice。
契琴伊薩有很多精美的石頭建築,保留至今,這些建築曾被作為神廟、宮殿、舞 台、市場、浴池和球場。


Initiated by the New 7 Wonders Foundation (N7W) of the Swiss New Seven Wonders Association, among the existing buildings in the world built before 2000 AD, seven activities to replace the old seven wonders of the world were selected and voted by 100 million people around the world. , unveiled in Lisbon, Portugal on July 7, 2007, Colosseum in Italy, Great Wall in China, Petra in Jordan, Christ Statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Machu Picchu in Peru, Chichen Itza in Mexico , and India's Taj Mahal tied for the New Seven Wonders of the World. The Giza pyramids in Egypt are classified as "miracles of honor".

Chichen Itza, Mexico
The Mayan word "Chich'en Itza" means the mouth of the well of Itza (people), and the name was commonly used in pre-Columbian times.
Period, also known as Uucyabnal in ancient sources, the 7 great rulers.
The Yucatan Peninsula in southeastern Mexico lacks surface rivers. The three cenotes in Chichen Itsa, which supply water all year round, have naturally become population centers. Two of these wells still exist today. One of them is the famous and legendary cenote. Well of Colors Cenote of Sacrifice.
Chichen Itza has many beautiful stone buildings that have been preserved to this day as temples, palaces, stages, markets, baths and courts.

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Created on 2022/03/27 11:36:13 UTC

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