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加拿大露易絲湖(Lake Louise)是加拿大最著名的冰川湖,位於加拿大西部落磯山脈中的班夫國家公園(Banff National Park)內,距東南邊的班夫(Banff)小鎮約60公里,源頭是維多莉亞冰河,三面環山的露易絲湖得天獨厚,沉積於湖底的冰河礦物質和冰河水讓水色呈現如翡翠的碧綠顏色,在清晨更形成如鏡子般的湖面。露易絲湖翠綠靜謐,清澈的湖水倒映著落磯山脈和維多利亞冰川動人的身影,遠遠望去就像是一顆沈穩的翡翠。露易絲湖隨著太陽一天中不同的位置而產生奇特的景象變化,照射湖面的顏色與倒影如幻似真讓人著迷。如此美輪美奐的景色被譽為班夫(Banff)的翡翠寶石。
露易絲湖三面雪山環抱,湖水碧綠綠如翡翠,來自冰河融雪。面對白雪皚皚的雪山和碧綠湖水,矗立著一所豪華的大酒店,那就是班夫溫泉酒店的姐妹,露易絲湖城堡酒店(Chateau Lake Louise)是費爾蒙特酒店集團旗下的奢華品牌酒店,在這家絕美的城堡風格度假村中,可以欣賞維多利亞冰川 (Victoria Glacier) 的迷人景色。露易絲湖城堡酒店裡頭的咖啡廳則有著「世界最美窗戶」之稱,坐在咖啡廳的窗邊,就可以一邊優雅享用下午茶,一邊欣賞露易絲湖的絕景。

#世界風情畫「加拿大露易絲湖-城堡酒店」採用印象派大師梵谷(Van Gogh Spiral)及蒙克(Munch Groove)風格之畫作

#世界風情畫「加拿大露易絲湖-城堡酒店」油彩畫作限量發行 15 個vibe

"Lake Louise Castle Hotel" is one of the world's top 100 famous hotels. The coffee house in "Lake Louise Castle Hotel" is known as the first window in the world. Every window is a vivid and natural landscape painting. Sitting by the window , with unobstructed views of Lake Louise.

Painting subject: Lake Louise, Canada - The Castle Hotel
Lake Louise, Canada's most famous glacial lake, is located in Banff National Park (Banff National Park) in the Rocky Mountains of Western Canada, about 60 kilometers from the town of Banff (Banff) in the southeast. The source is the Victoria Glacier. Lake Louise, surrounded by mountains on three sides, is uniquely endowed. The glacial minerals and glacial water deposited on the bottom of the lake make the water appear emerald green, and in the morning, it forms a mirror-like lake surface. Lake Louise is emerald green and quiet. The clear lake water reflects the moving figures of the Rocky Mountains and Victoria Glacier. From a distance, it looks like a calm emerald. Lake Louise changes peculiarly with the different positions of the sun during the day, and the colors and reflections on the lake surface are fascinating. Such a magnificent view is known as Banff's emerald gem.
This romantic lake of unparalleled beauty in the world was discovered by explorers in the 19th century. Due to its lush greenery, it was named "Emerald Lake" and later changed to Lake Louise, which was named after Victoria. Named after the Queen's fourth daughter, the white glacier on the upper reaches of the lake is also named "Victoria Glacier", echoing the mother-daughter relationship between the Queen and the Princess, and it is also the most famous among the National Parks in the Rocky Mountains. Glacier Lake!
Lake Louise is surrounded by snow-capped mountains on three sides. Facing the snow-capped snow-capped mountains and turquoise lake water, stands a luxurious hotel, which is the sister of Banff Springs Hotel. Chateau Lake Louise is a luxury brand hotel under the Fairmont Hotel Group. , in this stunning castle-style resort with stunning views of the Victoria Glacier. The coffee shop in the Chateau Lake Louise Hotel is known as "the most beautiful window in the world". Sitting by the window of the coffee shop, you can enjoy afternoon tea elegantly while enjoying the superb view of Lake Louise.
Lake Louise Castle Hotel has a history of more than 100 years and is the only five-star hotel on the shore of Lake Louise.
In addition to the invincible lake view from the room itself, guests can also take time to take a walk on the lakeside trail. If you can go boating on Lake Louise in a clear sky, it will be the most beautiful and romantic experience in your life!

#World style painting "Canada Lake Louise - Castle Hotel" uses paintings in the style of Impressionist masters (Van Gogh Spiral) and (Munch Groove)

#World style painting "Canada Lake Louise-Castle Hotel" oil painting limited edition of 15 vibes


Created on 2022/04/20 06:04:09 UTC

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