世界最奇妙的建築之三 「捷克彎曲屋Bending House 」葛飾北齋浮世繪風格油彩畫作01


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世界最奇妙的建築之三 「捷克彎曲屋Bending House 」葛飾北齋浮世繪風格油彩畫作01




#捷克彎曲屋Bending House油彩畫作乃採用葛飾北齋浮世繪風格。
#捷克彎曲屋Bending House油彩畫作限量發行1個vibe,具有良好收藏價值。



The world's great wonders. Some people dream of Yang Fan traveling far away, so we see all kinds of houseboats; some people dream of living a fairy tale life, so we see strange tree houses and all kinds of strange buildings with strange shapes. , not only attracts the attention of the world, but also creates infinite fun for life.

#Czech Bending House oil painting is in Katsushika Hokusai Ukiyo-e style.

#Czech bending house Bending House oil painting is limited to 1 vibe, with good collection value.

The Dancing House is located in downtown Prague, Czech Republic. It was designed by the famous Canadian avant-garde architect Frank Gehry in collaboration with the Yugoslav-born Croatian-Czech architect Vlado Milunik. The Dancing House is also known as "Fred and Ginger's House", named after Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, a metaphor for a pair of dancers. The Dancing Building stands out among the Neo-Baroque, Neo-Gothic and Art Nouveau buildings, and is a very famous and representative building in Prague. The Dancing House is also known as the "Drunken House". On the top floor of the Dancing House is a French restaurant with unobstructed views of Prague.

Katsushika Hokusai Ukiyo-e style
Katsushika Hokusai, the master of Ukiyo-e in the Edo period in Japan, is also the only Japanese among the "100 Celebrities Who Influenced the World in the Millennium", and is also the founder of the Katsushika School. The overall tone of Katsushika Hokusai's early beauty paintings was rather plain and elegant. The slender face, the slightly open mouth, and the delicate brushwork can always outline the picture in a fun and interesting way. However, in the later period, Hokusai Katsushika completely deviates from the early painting method of "Zongli style", and the beauty in his pen has also changed from delicate and pitiful to bold and demonic. "Beauty in Spring and Autumn", "Five Beauties" and "Beauty with Umbrella in Snow" are all his important representative works in his later period.


Created on 2022/03/30 00:16:12 UTC

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