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由瑞士新七大奇蹟協會 New 7 Wonders Foundation(N7W)發起,在世界現存建 於公元 2000 年以前的建築中,挑選七個代替舊的世界七大奇蹟的活動,經由全球一 億民眾網路票選,2007 年 7 月 7 日在葡萄牙里斯本揭曉,義大利的古羅馬競技場、 中國的萬里長城、約旦的佩特拉古城、巴西里約熱內盧的基督像、祕魯的馬丘比 丘、墨西哥的奇琴伊察、以及印度的泰姬瑪哈陵並列成為新世界七大奇蹟。而埃及 的吉薩金字塔群歸為「榮譽奇蹟」。

義大利羅馬競技場 Colosseum, Italy
競技場是古羅馬舉行人獸表演的地方,也有人 與人之間的搏鬥。劇場為拱型結構將觀眾席架起來,並將兩個半圓形 的劇場對接起來,因此形成了舉世聞名的圓形劇場 amphitheatrum。
觀眾席分為五區,最下面前排是貴賓(如元老、 長官、祭司等)區,第二層供貴族使用,第三區是給 富人使用的,第四區由普通公民使用,最後一區則是 給底層婦女使用,全部是站席。
表演區底下還隱藏著許多洞口和管道,可以用 來儲存道具和牲畜,以及鬥士,公元 248 年就曾這樣 將水引入表演區,形成一個湖,表演海戰的場面,來 慶祝羅馬建城 1000 年。


Initiated by the New 7 Wonders Foundation (N7W) of the Swiss New Seven Wonders Association, among the existing buildings in the world built before 2000 AD, seven activities to replace the old seven wonders of the world were selected and voted by 100 million people around the world. , unveiled in Lisbon, Portugal on July 7, 2007, Colosseum in Italy, Great Wall in China, Petra in Jordan, Christ Statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Machu Picchu in Peru, Chichen Itza in Mexico , and India's Taj Mahal tied for the New Seven Wonders of the World. The Giza pyramids in Egypt are classified as "miracles of honor".

Colosseum, Italy
The arena was the place where ancient Roman performances were held between humans and animals, and there were also fights between people. The theatre is a vaulted structure that elevates the auditorium and connects the two semi-circular theatres, thus forming the world-famous amphitheatrum.
The auditorium is divided into five areas. The front row at the bottom is for VIPs (such as senators, officers, priests, etc.), the second floor is for nobles, the third is for the rich, the fourth is for ordinary citizens, and the last The first area is for women at the bottom, and all are standing seats.
There are also many hidden holes and pipes under the performance area, which can be used to store props and livestock, as well as fighters. In 248 AD, water was introduced into the performance area to form a lake, and a scene of naval battles was performed to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the founding of Rome.

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Created on 2022/03/27 11:40:20 UTC

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